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Defenition of the word water pipe

    • Defenition of the word water pipe

      • A smoking device, generally used with cannabis or tobacco, which uses water to filter out heavier particles from reaching the smoker's airways.
      • a pipe with a long flexible tube connected to a container where the smoke is cooled by passing through water
      • an oriental tobacco pipe with a long flexible tube connected to a container where the smoke is cooled by passing through water; "a bipolar world with the hookah and Turkish coffee versus hamburgers and Coca Cola"
      • an oriental tobacco pipe with a long flexible tube connected to a container where the smoke is cooled by passing through water

    Synonyms for the word water pipe

      • hookah
      • hubble-bubble
      • kalian
      • narghile

    Hypernyms for the word water pipe

      • pipe
      • tobacco pipe

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