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Defenition of the word whatever

    • Defenition of the word whatever

      • No matter which; for any.
      • Anything that.
      • Not caring which of several options should be chosen.
      • one or some or every or all without specification; "give me any peaches you don't want"; "not any milk is left"; "any child would know that"; "pick any card"; "any day now"; "cars can be rented at almost any airport"; "at twilight or any other time"; "beyond any doubt"; "need any help we can get"; "give me whatever peaches you don't want"; "no milk whatsoever is left"
      • one or some or every or all without specification; "give me any peaches you don''t want"; "not any milk is left"; "any child would know that"; "pick any card"; "any day now"; "cars can be rented at almost any airport"; "at twilight or any other time"; "be
      • one or some or every or all without specification

    Synonyms for the word whatever

      • any
      • anything
      • at all
      • doesn't matter what
      • no matter what
      • suchlike
      • what
      • what on earth
      • whatsoever

    Similar words in the whatever

      • some
      • some(a)
      • whatever

    See other words