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English dictionary
Words starting with letters "w"
Words starting with letters "wh"
Words starting with letters "whe"
Words starting with letters "when"
Words starting with letters "whenc"
Defenition of the word whence
Defenition of the word whence
Defenition of the word whence
From which place?
From which place.
from what place or origin or source; "whence did he come?"; "whence comes this splendid feast?"; "sketches the lawless society whence the ballads sprang"-DeLancey Ferguson
from what place, source, or cause
Synonyms for the word whence
See other words
What is vider
The definition of entleeren
The interpretation of the word scaricare
What is meant by vuotare
The lexical meaning vaciar
The dictionary meaning of the word understate
The grammatical meaning of the word overstate
Meaning of the word annul
Literal and figurative meaning of the word barrer
The origin of the word whither
Synonym for the word mackerel
Antonyms for the word stand apart
Homonyms for the word rumanu
Hyponyms for the word romeno
Holonyms for the word mromania
Hypernyms for the word rumaniano
Proverbs and sayings for the word rumunas
Translation of the word in other languages rumano
English dictionary
Words ending with letters "e"
Words ending with letters "ce"
Words ending with letters "nce"
Words ending with letters "ence"
Words ending with letters "hence"
Meaning of the word whence