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Defenition of the word whipple's penstemon

    • Defenition of the word whipple's penstemon

      • wine-lavender to black-purple flowers in several clusters on the upper half of leafy stems; Montana south through the Rocky Mountain regions to Arizona and New Mexico
      • wine-lavender to black-purple flowers in several clusters on the upper half of leafy stems; Montana south through the Rocky Mountains to Arizona and New Mexico
      • wine and lavender to purple and black flowers in several clusters on the upper half of leafy stems; Montana south through the Rocky Mountains to Arizona and New Mexico

    Synonyms for the word whipple's penstemon

      • Penstemon whippleanus
      • Whipple's penstemon

    Meronymys for the word whipple's penstemon

      • genus Penstemon
      • Penstemon

    Hypernyms for the word whipple's penstemon

      • wild flower
      • wildflower

    See other words