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Defenition of the word whirling

    • Defenition of the word whirling

      • the act of rotating in a circle or spiral
      • rotating rapidly about an axis; "a spinning top"; "the whirling dance of the Dervish"
      • moving or driven rapidly in a rotary or twisting motion; "a tornado's whirling winds"; "swirling currents"
      • moving or driven rapidly in a rotary or twisting motion; "a tornado''s whirling winds"; "swirling currents"

    Synonyms for the word whirling

      • gyration
      • revolving
      • rotary
      • rotating
      • spinning
      • spiraling
      • swirling
      • turning

    Similar words in the whirling

      • moving
      • whirling

    Hypernyms for the word whirling

      • rotary motion
      • rotation

    See other words