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Defenition of the word whispering

    • Defenition of the word whispering

      • A simultaneous interpreting, whereby the interpreter sits close to the listener and whispers the translation without technical aids.
      • making a low continuous indistinct sound; "like murmuring waves"; "susurrant voices"
      • the light noise like the noise of silk clothing or leaves blowing in the wind
      • speaking softly without vibration of the vocal cords
      • a light noise, like the noise of silk clothing or leaves blowing in the wind
      • making a low continuous indistinct sound

    Synonyms for the word whispering

      • murmuring
      • rustle
      • rustling
      • susurrant
      • whisper

    Similar words in the whispering

      • soft

    Hyponyms for the word whispering

      • stage whisper

    Hypernyms for the word whispering

      • noise
      • speaking
      • speech production

    See other words