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Defenition of the word whitlowwort

    • Defenition of the word whitlowwort

      • any of various low-growing tufted plants of the genus Paronychia having tiny greenish flowers and usually whorled leaves; widespread throughout warm regions of both Old and New Worlds; formerly thought to cure whitlows (suppurative infections around a fingernail)
      • any of various low-growing tufted plants of the genus Paronychia having tiny greenish flowers and usually whorled leaves; widespread throughout warm regions of both Old and New Worlds; formerly thought to cure whitlows (suppurative infections around a fin

    Meronymys for the word whitlowwort

      • genus Paronychia
      • Paronychia

    Hypernyms for the word whitlowwort

      • ground cover
      • groundcover

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