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English dictionary
Words starting with letters "y"
Words starting with letters "ym"
Words starting with letters "ymi"
Defenition of the word ymir
Defenition of the word ymir
Defenition of the word ymir
(Norse mythology) the primeval giant slain by Odin and his brothers and from whose body they created the world: the sea from his blood; the earth from his flesh; the mountains from his bones; the sky from his skull
Synonyms for the word ymir
Hypernyms for the word ymir
mythical being
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The lexical meaning yeomanry
The dictionary meaning of the word beefeater
The grammatical meaning of the word yeoman of the guard
Meaning of the word yenisey river
Literal and figurative meaning of the word yenisey
The origin of the word yodel
Synonym for the word yodeling
Antonyms for the word yodeller
Homonyms for the word yodh
Hyponyms for the word yogi
Holonyms for the word yogistic
Hypernyms for the word yogic
Proverbs and sayings for the word hayseed
Translation of the word in other languages chawbacon
English dictionary
Words ending with letters "r"
Words ending with letters "ir"
Words ending with letters "mir"
Meaning of the word ymir