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English dictionary
Words starting with letters "y"
Words starting with letters "yu"
Words starting with letters "yun"
Words starting with letters "yunn"
Words starting with letters "yunna"
Defenition of the word yunnan
Defenition of the word Yunnan
Defenition of the word Yunnan
A province of the People's Republic of China, located in the far south of the country spanning approximately 394,000 square kilometers (152,000 square miles). (Source: Wikipedia)
a province of southern China
Synonyms for the word Yunnan
Meronymys for the word Yunnan
Communist China
mainland China
People's Republic of China
Red China
Hypernyms for the word Yunnan
See other words
What is Yulu-E
The definition of Yulu Spoken
The interpretation of the word Yulu
What is meant by Yukon River
The lexical meaning Yukon
The dictionary meaning of the word Yukar
The grammatical meaning of the word Yukaghir
Meaning of the word Yugoslavian Sign Language
Literal and figurative meaning of the word Yugoslavia
The origin of the word Yurmaty
Synonym for the word Yurok
Antonyms for the word Yuruk
Homonyms for the word Yvelines
Hyponyms for the word Za Spoken
Holonyms for the word Zaar Complex
Hypernyms for the word Zaar Proper Cluster
Proverbs and sayings for the word Zabana
Translation of the word in other languages Zacatepec Chatino
English dictionary
Words ending with letters "n"
Words ending with letters "an"
Words ending with letters "nan"
Words ending with letters "nnan"
Words ending with letters "unnan"
Meaning of the word yunnan