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Defenition of the word zulu

    • Defenition of the word zulu

      • A Niger-Congo language spoken primarily by the Zulu people in southern Africa.
      • The largest South African ethnic group of an estimated 10-11 million people who live mainly in the province of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.
      • a Bantu language of considerable literary importance in southeastern Africa
      • a member of the tall Negroid people of SE Africa living in N Natal
      • a member of the tall Negroid people of southeast Africa living in northern Natal
      • a community of Negroid people in eastern South Africa
      • a member of the tall Negroid people of eastern South Africa; some live in KwaZulu-Natal under the traditional clan system but many now work in the cities

    Synonyms for the word zulu

      • Zulu

    Meronymys for the word zulu

      • Natal

    Hypernyms for the word zulu

      • African
      • Nguni

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