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English dictionary
Words starting with letters give
Page number 1
Words starting with letters "give "
give a boost to
give a buzz
give a call
give a damn
give a demonstration
give a face-lift
give a figure of
give a free rein to
give a fuck
give a hang
give a hoot
give a human face to
give a lift
give a lift to
give a new interpretation
give a new lease of life
give a picture of
give a positive response
give a price of
give a ride to
give a round of applause
give a ruling
give a sermon
give a standing ovation
give a talking-to
give a warning
give access
give advice
give an account
give an account of
give an estimate
give an inkling of
give an opinion
give an undertaking
give and take
give approval to
give arms to
give artificial respiration to
give authorization to
give away
give back
give birth
give birth to
give care
give cause for anxiety
give chase
give confidence
give credit
give details
give details of
give directions
give ear
give emphasis to
give enthusiastic approval to
give evidence
give explanation
give explanation for
give flavor to
give food to
give forth
give full measure
give further details about
give good reason for
give ground
give head
give in
give instructions
give it a go
give it a try
give it a whirl
give it some thought
give it the deep six
give leave to enter
give money back
give notice
give off
give one's best
give or take
give or take a few
give orders
give out
give over
give pain
give permission
give permission to
give pleasure to
give power to
give preferentiality to
give proof
give reason for
give reasons for
give refuge to
give rise
give rise to
give shelter to
give somebody a loan of
give somebody a ride
give somebody a talking to
give somebody an advance of
give somebody no option but to