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English dictionary
Words starting with letters "b"
Words starting with letters "ba"
Words starting with letters "bar"
Words starting with letters "baro"
Words starting with letters "baron"
Words starting with letters "barone"
Defenition of the word baronet
Defenition of the word baronet
Defenition of the word baronet
a member of the British order of honor; ranks below a baron but above a knight; "since he was a baronet he had to be addressed as Sir Henry Jones, Bart."
a member of the British order of honor; ranks below a baron but above a knight
Synonyms for the word baronet
Hypernyms for the word baronet
blue blood
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The origin of the word baronetcy
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Proverbs and sayings for the word barosaur
Translation of the word in other languages barosaurus
English dictionary
Words ending with letters "t"
Words ending with letters "et"
Words ending with letters "net"
Words ending with letters "onet"
Words ending with letters "ronet"
Words ending with letters "aronet"
Meaning of the word baronet