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English dictionary
Words starting with letters "b"
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Words starting with letters "blood"
Words starting with letters "bloody"
Words starting with letters "bloody "
Words starting with letters "bloody m"
Words starting with letters "bloody ma"
Words starting with letters "bloody mar"
Defenition of the word bloody mary
Defenition of the word bloody mary
Defenition of the word bloody mary
vodka and spicy tomato juice
a cocktail made with vodka and spicy tomato juice
daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon who was Queen of England from 1553 to 1558; she was the wife of Philip II of Spain and when she restored Roman Catholicism to England many Protestants were burned at the stake as heretics (1516-1558)
Synonyms for the word bloody mary
Bloody Mary
mary i
mary tudor
Meronymys for the word bloody mary
House of Tudor
Hyponyms for the word bloody mary
bloody shame
Virgin Mary
Hypernyms for the word bloody mary
Queen of England
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English dictionary
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Meaning of the word bloody mary