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Defenition of the word bloody mary

    • Defenition of the word bloody mary

      • vodka and spicy tomato juice
      • a cocktail made with vodka and spicy tomato juice
      • daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon who was Queen of England from 1553 to 1558; she was the wife of Philip II of Spain and when she restored Roman Catholicism to England many Protestants were burned at the stake as heretics (1516-1558)

    Synonyms for the word bloody mary

      • Bloody Mary
      • mary i
      • mary tudor

    Meronymys for the word bloody mary

      • House of Tudor
      • Tudor
      • vodka

    Hyponyms for the word bloody mary

      • bloody shame
      • Virgin Mary

    Hypernyms for the word bloody mary

      • cocktail
      • Queen of England

    See other words