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Defenition of the word crown of thorns

    • Defenition of the word crown of thorns

      • any affliction that causes great suffering; "that is his cross to bear"; "he bears his afflictions like a crown of thorns"
      • a mock crown made of thorn branches that Roman soldiers placed on Jesus before the Crucifixion
      • somewhat climbing bushy spurge of Madagascar having long woody spiny stems with few leaves and flowers with scarlet bracts
      • any affliction that causes great suffering

    Synonyms for the word crown of thorns

      • Christ plant
      • Christ thorn
      • cross
      • Euphorbia milii

    Meronymys for the word crown of thorns

      • Euphorbia
      • genus Euphorbia

    Hypernyms for the word crown of thorns

      • affliction
      • crown
      • spurge

    See other words