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Defenition of the word cucurbita maxima turbaniformis

    • Defenition of the word cucurbita maxima turbaniformis

      • squash plants bearing hard-shelled fruit shaped somewhat like a turban with a rounded central portion protruding from the end opposite the stem

    Synonyms for the word cucurbita maxima turbaniformis

      • Cucurbita maxima turbaniformis
      • turban squash

    Meronymys for the word cucurbita maxima turbaniformis

      • Cucurbita
      • genus Cucurbita
      • turban squash

    Hyponyms for the word cucurbita maxima turbaniformis

      • buttercup squash

    Hypernyms for the word cucurbita maxima turbaniformis

      • winter squash
      • winter squash plant

    See other words