Defenition of the word dissolution
Defenition of the word dissolution
- Dissolving of a material.
- Excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures.
- the termination of a meeting
- the termination of a relationship
- separation into component parts
- dissolute indulgence in sensual pleasure
- the process of going into solution; "the dissolving of salt in water"
- the termination or disintegration of a relationship (between persons or nations)
- the process of going into solution
Synonyms for the word dissolution
- adjournment
- breakup
- closure
- conclusion
- disbanding
- disintegration
- dissipation
- ending
- licentiousness
- profligacy
- suspension
- termination
Similar words in the dissolution
- dissolution
- dissolution's
Hyponyms for the word dissolution
- annulment
- fibrinolysis
- invalidation
- lysis
- splitsville
Hypernyms for the word dissolution
- action
- activity
- conclusion
- ending
- intemperance
- intemperateness
- liquefaction
- natural action
- natural process
- self-indulgence
- termination
See other words