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Defenition of the word hamilton

    • Defenition of the word hamilton

      • The capital city of Bermuda.
      • A port city in the Canadian province of Ontario.
      • the capital of Bermuda
      • a city in southeastern Ontario at the west end of Lake Ontario
      • a port city in southeastern Ontario at the western end of Lake Ontario
      • United States statesman and leader of the Federalists; as the first Secretary of the Treasury he establish a federal bank; was mortally wounded in a duel with Aaron Burr (1755-1804)
      • United States toxicologist known for her work on industrial poisons (1869-1970)
      • English beauty who was the mistress of Admiral Nelson (1765-1815)
      • Irish mathematician (1806-1865)

    Synonyms for the word hamilton

      • Hamilton

    Meronymys for the word hamilton

      • Ontario

    Hypernyms for the word hamilton

      • city
      • Lady
      • mathematician
      • metropolis
      • national leader
      • noblewoman
      • peeress
      • port
      • solon
      • statesman
      • toxicologist
      • urban center

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