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Defenition of the word henry vi

    • Defenition of the word henry vi

      • (1421-1471) son of Henry V who as an infant succeeded his father and was King of England from 1422 to 1461; he was taken prisoner in 1460 and Edward IV was proclaimed king; he was rescued and regained the throne in 1470 but was recaptured and murdered in the Tower of London
      • son of Henry V who as an infant succeeded his father and was King of England from 1422 to 1461; he was taken prisoner in 1460 and Edward IV was proclaimed king; he was rescued and regained the throne in 1470 but was recaptured and murdered in the Tower of
      • son of Henry V who as an infant succeeded his father and was King of England from 1422 to 1461; he was taken prisoner in 1460 and Edward IV was proclaimed king; he was rescued and regained the throne in 1470 but was recaptured and murdered in the Tower of London (1421-1471)

    Synonyms for the word henry vi

      • Henry VI

    Meronymys for the word henry vi

      • House of Lancaster
      • Lancaster
      • Lancastrian line

    Hypernyms for the word henry vi

      • King of England
      • King of Great Britain

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