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Defenition of the word it

    • Defenition of the word it

      • information technology|
      • The systems, equipment, components and software required to ensure the retrieval, processing and storage of information in all centres of human activity (home, office, factory, etc.), the application of which generally requires the use of electronics or similar technology.
      • The masculine inanimate object previously mentioned. 3rd person singular masculine subject pronoun.
      • In the children's game of "tag": the role of the player whose task it is to run after and touch any other player; the first person who is touched (usually with the exclamation of "tag, you're it!") then takes over this role.
      • An inanimate object, an animate object of unspecified sex, or a subject that is previously mentioned.
      • the branch of engineering that deals with the use of computers and telecommunications to retrieve and store and transmit information

    Synonyms for the word it

      • ita

    Hypernyms for the word it

      • applied science
      • engineering
      • engineering science
      • technology

    Idioms for the word it

      • that's it

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