Defenition of the word religious order
Defenition of the word religious order
- a subdivision of a larger religious group
Synonyms for the word religious order
Meronymys for the word religious order
Hyponyms for the word religious order
- Abecedarian
- Albigenses
- Amish sect
- brethren
- Cathari
- Cathars
- Hare Krishna
- Haredi
- High Anglican Church
- High Church
- International Society for Krishna Consciousness
- Jainism
- karaites
- Kokka
- Kokka Shinto
- monastic order
- order
- Quakers
- Religious Society of Friends
- Saktism
- Shakers
- Shaktism
- Shia
- Shiah
- Shiah Islam
- Shivaism
- Shua
- Shuha Shinto
- sisterhood
- Sivaism
- Society of Friends
- Sunni
- sunni islam
- Taoism
- the Shiites
- the Sunnites
- United Society of Believers in Christ's Second App
- united society of believers in christ's second appearing
- Vaishnavism
- Vaisnavism
- vaudois
- waldenses
- Zurvanism
Hypernyms for the word religious order
- faith
- organized religion
- religion
See other words