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Defenition of the word scoundrelly

    • Defenition of the word scoundrelly

      • lacking principles or scruples; "the rascally rabble"; "the tyranny of a scoundrelly aristocracy"_ W.M. Thackaray; "the captain was set adrift by his roguish crew"
      • lacking principles or scruples; "the rascally rabble"; "the tyranny of a scoundrelly aristocracy" - W.M. Thackaray; "the captain was set adrift by his roguish crew"
      • lacking principles or scruples

    Synonyms for the word scoundrelly

      • blackguardly
      • rascally
      • roguish

    Similar words in the scoundrelly

      • dishonest
      • dishonorable

    See other words