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Defenition of the word st. vincent and the grenadines

    • Defenition of the word st. vincent and the grenadines

      • an island country in the central Windward Islands
      • an island country in the central Windward Islands; achieved independence from the United Kingdom in 1979

    Synonyms for the word st. vincent and the grenadines

      • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
      • St. Vincent and the Grenadines

    Meronymys for the word st. vincent and the grenadines

      • Caribbean
      • OAS
      • Organization of American States
      • Saint Vincent
      • St. Vincent
      • Windward Islands
      • Windward Isles

    Hypernyms for the word st. vincent and the grenadines

      • country
      • land
      • nation
      • state

    See other words