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Defenition of the word take aim

    • Defenition of the word take aim

      • To point or cause to go (blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment) towards
      • aim or direct at; as of blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment; "Please don't aim at your little brother!" "He trained his gun on the burglar"; "Don't train your camera on the women"; "Take a swipe at one's opponent"
      • aim or direct at; as of blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment; "Please don''t aim at your little brother!"; "He trained his gun on the burglar"; "Don''t train your camera on the women"; "Take a swipe at one''s opponent"
      • point or cause to go (blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment) towards

    Synonyms for the word take aim

      • aim
      • direct
      • take
      • train

    Hyponyms for the word take aim

      • aim
      • charge
      • direct
      • draw a bead on
      • hold
      • level
      • place
      • point
      • sight
      • swing
      • target
      • turn

    Hypernyms for the word take aim

      • position

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