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Words starting with letters take a
Page number 1
Words starting with letters "take a"
take a bath
take a bow
take a break
take a breath
take a breather
take a broad view
take a chance
take a crack at
take a crap
take a dare
take a dive
take a drop
take a fall
take a firm stand
take a french leave
take a hit
take a hop
take a joke
take a leak
take a look
take a look at
take a nap
take a picture
take a powder
take a seat
take a shit
take a shot
take a shot at
take a shot in the dark
take a softer line
take a stab at
take a stand
take a trip
take a turn
take a walk
take aback
take account
take account of
take action
take advantage
take advantage of
take after
take aim
take apart
take arms
take as fact
take as read
take avoiding action
take away